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Saturday, October 31, 2009

this is a happy day!

I am typing this from the Mac store, on my new MacBook Pro!!!!!!!! happy day!!!!


Einar said...


hazel marie said...

Lucky! I was going to get one this Spring but my dad didn't think I should spend all my savings at once. And then he helped my brother buy a piano. Conspiracy? Maybe.
I don't know sometimes...(:)-S

Rachel Kimberly said...

Sweet! Happy day, indeed! :)

Josiah English said...

This calls for:

Congratulations!!! :D :P :) =) 8-) 8/ :}


Einar said...

Oh FINE......
*Mutters something that might possibly have contained the word "congratulations"*

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Macs! I have a PowerBook as my personal computer and the school gives us MacBooks. So I have like 2 computers LOL!

Congrats! You'll LOVE it. What will you name it? Because all Macs have names. They have personalities. Really! *yes I am insane...*

Rachel Kimberly said...

Yes, you must name it...

Bethany said...

:) :) :) thanks for you congratulations everyone, little Mac is healthy and growing and teething lol, baby pics coming soon to all the admiring aunts and uncles including Einar who will not dare to insult the sweet li'l' infant :) :P
really folks you'd think there'd been a birth in the family with all your happy comments :)
oh and the naming ceremony is under way.