Fever gone [at least for now], appetite back [in FULL force! :P] etc.
And I had an idea, whilst getting all enthused over writing [and brainstorming for Kendra here, AND reading Pogo Possum comic books which always gets the creative juices flowing] eh..where was I? Yeah...I was thinking about unfinished beginnings to stories. We all have them: 2, 5, 20 pages maybe, and they never go anywhere. And yet they are so good, or we would never have started writing them now would we? ;)
And I was wondering if there might be interest from my beloved followers [;)] in my starting a blog just for unfinished beginnings of stories, and such. I know there are oodles of writing blogs out there but who knows maybe this would be something new :)
Let me know if you might be interested...
DEFINITELY!! I'd love to read your ideas and beginnings. Haha, don't we all have those *sigh* I never seem to finish anything these days.
Thank you *SO MUCH* for the ideas earlier today! I did use the quote, and it inspired one of the most emotional scenes I've ever written. You are amazing; thank you so much! If I can ever help you in a similar way, just ask and I'll do my best :)
That sounds like a smashing idea! (I didn't intend to use the word 'smashing' but it just sort of popped into my head)
Sounds like a good idea to me! Though be warned, if we like a certain unfinished beginning, we may pester you until you finish it! *evil grin*
wootzies! :) :) I'll start it hopefully sometime today...
Kendra--yay! You're welcome ;) I actually squealed aloud when I found you'd used the quote, haha. *warm fuzzy feelings*
Logan--hehe, 'smashing' is a good word! :)
Evergreena--okey-dokey! I'll be hoping to see y'all's stuff too...:)
love the idea! I would very much enjoy reading your ideas!
are you going to be doing NaNoWriMo?
ahh, nanowrimo....the big one. eh..when does it start? hm...sounds fun, but dunno if i can fit it in :p and we all know how terrible I am at finishing things lol
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