follow A Selection of Varied Topics

Thursday, October 22, 2009


-the goat is in heat and needs to get to the buck but my dad has a class and may not be able to drive me and Starlight down to Monroe tonight...

-my latest story is going well but the heroine doesn't seem right for the hero....the crazy tech gal is more interesting than the gorgeous actress in other words. But it will destroy the story to switch things now...

-a funnel cloud was reported yesterday, here in a state that never has tornadoes. we had a tornado last June...

-i think 1/4 of my friends are sick. Including part of the cast. i'm making deductions based on ambiguous FB stati and comments thereon....

-facebook 'enemy of the day' app. is FREAKY. just freaky. twice in a row...on two different days...two different people...but creepy creepy creepy.....

-there WOULD be a '60 minutes' special on swine flu on the same night I was taken ill....scared my mom I think...

weird times, huh? :)


Josiah English said...

Weird times indeed. :)

Well, most of my friends are sick too. In fact, I think most of America is sick! Haha. Oh well. They'll recover...hopefully. Not much to be done about it I suppose.

Kendra Logan said...

Creeeeepyyyy! :)

Ugh, I've having a similar hero/herione issue in my story...*sigh* When I figure out what to do I'll let you know XD


Einar said...

People like characters when they seem weird, but they can still relate to them. Very few people can relate to a gorgeous actress, but many can probably sympathasise with a geek.
Just my two bits...

Danaphanous said...

have I seen this somewhere else? ;)

Calico Zak said...

What play are you doing?
My church is doing Excommunicating Spinoza.

~Calico Zak