follow A Selection of Varied Topics

Friday, July 17, 2009

resolutions and other things

Who says resolutions are just for New Year's? I've been thinking about stuff that needs doing.
There's just one letter between resolution and revolution.
So here are a few for the rest of the year:

-finish at least one story/novel
-learn self-defense...there's a class in the works for October.
-not get the flu--OHHH I'm so paranoid.
-hike at least 20 miles...need not be up/down-hill
-dry our apples etc.
-stay stretched-out...I've been slowly getting more stiff ever since stopping ballet.

and down at the bottom, with plenty of room for more additions in between:
-survive 'til Christmas [at least]. I'm not talking figuratively.

Well. Other than that,
.watermelons smell so good!

.my town has a very geeky and awesome festival going on [daVinci Days]

.old geezers like roosters [we've a free ad in the paper for our roosters and 4 old chaps have called so far]

."Lady Madonna" is great to dance to.

.fencing is fabulous. that's with sword, not the type used to keep out varmints.

.i heart my Kershaw knife!

.i'm reading "to kill a mockingbird" for American Lit.

.that's all.

oh wait, I watched Road to Freedom [the movie i made] last night for the first time since the premiere and was very happy with it!

hopefully I'll be able to post more elucidative material tomorrow.

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